Sakura Chocolate Shave



Sakura Chocolate Shave

Sakura has become an iconic symbol and top-rated product of Japan. The delicate pink flowers mark the beginning of spring. At any time of the year, one can enjoy Sakura season by using Salted Sakura products. The fragrant aroma of the flower is preserved with salt and vinegar. This is a blend of Sweetness and salty taste. Also, it is used as an important element for making various Japanese cuisines. Sakura tea is also served for special guests and at weddings. 

Our brand uses the ‘Sekiyama’ cherry blossoms and ‘Oshimazakura’ leaves for making Sakura Products. These ingredients are selected according to each product.  

Sakura cherry blossoms can be used for various purposes. This product adds a sweet and salty flavor to desserts. Apart from that, It gives Sakura cookies and other Sakura food products a lovely floral aroma with every bite.

These “sakura-scented” chocolates have a rich aroma of cherry blossom. It also consists of powdered cherry blossoms and leaves. Also, the leftovers from the baking can be used as toppings of pastries, cookies, etc.

Sakura Chocolate Shave is another item made of Cherry Blossoms. As sakura grew in popularity around the world, many brands began incorporating sakura flavors and aromas into their products, From sakura lattes to sakura chocolates, the range of sakura products are gradually increasing.

  • Basically, It is thinly sliced ​​chocolate filled with cherry blossoms. It can be used for a variety of purposes, including dough and toppings.
  • Big or small, these chocolate flakes are a delicious and effective addition to any dessert. These chocolate curls are one of the best ways to make desserts more flavorful and enhances its taste to next level.
  • Sakura chocolate shaves are very soft and have a floral scent. Combining style and taste, these Sakura items are an excellent addition to taste and decoration.
  • It is a vegan and gluten-free item.

 In addition, we have a wide range of products to meet the needs of our customers.